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Reviews, short stories and more.

My name is Noah Yard, a former media student and aspiring writer and screenwriter from Melbourne Australia. This is the blog where I review some of my favourite new shows, movies and music, as well as the occasional short story or essay.

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Life is Unfair on the New 'Wandavision'.

When I first reviewed the first two episodes of Wandavision we didn’t know what the show would become exactly. It was a perfect mirror of...

6 Great Anime to Watch on Netflix

I’m not a person who has ever been huge into anime. When I was a kid, I’d watch One Piece or Dragon Ball Z on the morning cartoons but...

What I've Been Playing: Pikmin 3 Deluxe

I actually had no plans to buy Pikmin 3 Deluxe, because I‘ve actually never played a Pikmin game before. It was my sister’s fiancé (the...

What I've Been Playing: Hades

Roguelike adventure game Hades takes you to hell and back again... and again and again and again. This week, this entire week, I’ve been...

My Favourite 2020 Album: Ungodly Hour

Before anyone says it, I do realise that this album, “Ungodly Hour” by Chloe and Halle, came out months ago. It has been reviewed by...

Pandemic Panic (Short Story)

Hey friends! This is the first original work I'm posting, it's a short horror story I wrote for a contest a few months back and I thought...

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